Sunday, July 5, 2009

No cell phone

So my 4th of july was pretty sweet. Lol Jazzy made the best cupcakes in the world!
Blue, green and of course pink! they were delicious!! Thank you jazz! anyways so we started our day at the park it was a bit hot well a lot hot but quit fun, we raced on the swings and my knees got all nasty from the sand! Dumb sand! lol but it was my fault i wanted to draw a huge face in it! but it wasn't working! we took tons of photos as seen on that side

ellie and me------->

and so we had a few drinks and my head started to kill me and so on and so forth it really did suck the after math lol but its all good I am perfectly fine now! but I lost my cell phone! At first i was upset and was like what am i suppose to do without my phone?! but this morning I packed my belongings to come back home and took the lonely dirt road across town blasted my classic rock rolled down my windows and realize I did not need a phone. It was me and the road no text messaging, no unwanted phone calls. I felt free! no strings attach! Im loving life without my celly! I know I will replace it soon and be hooked on it again but maybe next time ill leave my phone behind or maybe just turn it off and enjoy a day with no phone calls, no messages no nada! just me and life .

p.s. i didn't make it to the blood drive
but i did get the full episode's for moonlight!

if you haven't already seen 'em its a must see!

i work tonight at 10 so imma signing off later

-Ivy the great

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

dear: Elliot

Woe, this video is amazing it makes you appreciate what you have.
i hate death

Sunday, June 21, 2009

blood drive july 5th

Blood drive outside of walmart at
37140 47th St E Palmdale on july 5th

only 3 out of every 100 people in America donate blood. 

General Guidelines:

be at least 17 years old or 16 years old if allowed by state law. You must weigh at least 110 pounds, and not have donated whole blood in the last 8 weeks (56 days) or double red cells in the last 16 weeks (112 days). 

"Healthy" means that you feel well and can perform normal activities. If you have a chronic condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure, "healthy" also means that you are being treated and the condition is under control.

so if you have diabetes or high blood pressure you can still donate as long as you have it under control!

Take a friend or too a love one or a lover

to learn more about blood donation opportunities, 
visit www.​givelife.​org
call 1-​800-​GIVE-​LIFE (​1-​800-​448-​3543)​.